Pilots and law enforcement personnel are increasingly exposed to laser hazards.

“…the lenses tended to promote contrast, with the added benefit of improving vision or visual discernment in low light or low visibility (cloudy, overcast).”

“The reduction is remarkable with the glasses on, reducing the laser to a dot passing along the glasses, rather than a glare.”

-Mike Maloney
Captain, B-747 Kalitta Air


Protects from flash blindness caused by laser pointers, dazzlers and aiming devices


Bronze tint for daytime sunglass use:

  • UV Protection
  • Traffic signal color recognition

Salmon tint for night viewing conditions

  • Multiple Frame Styles
  • Use With Prescription Eyewear
  • Polycarbonate Lenses
  • UV Protection
  • Adjustable Frames
Laser Protection
XC Frame
E-G-80166 XC Frame - Salmon
XC Frame
E-G-80168 XC Frame - Bronze
Milan Frame
E-G-60166 Milan Frame - Salmon
Milan Frame
E-G-60168 Milan Frame - Bronze
LOTG Frame
E-G-40166 LOTG Frame - Salmon
LOTG Frame
E-G-40166 LOTG Frame - Bronze