ANSI Z136.1-2022 "For Safe Use of Lasers"
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ST-ANSI Z136.1-2022-PAPER
This 2022 version of the American National Standard ANSI Z136.1 "For Safe Use of Lasers" is the current parent document in the Z136 series of laser safety standards.
The standard provides a practical means to identify, evaluate, and control the hazards associated with different type of lasers and applications. OSHA, DOD, DOE, and many other state and federal agencies, refer users to the Z136.1 standard for guidance on how to comply with their requirements for a safe work place. This version of the Z136.1 standard has been painstakingly refined through a rigorous process of expert input and evaluation. Among the many changes to the standard are: - MPE support for pulse lengths down to 100 fs
- New guidance for pulse durations shorter than 100 fs
- Updated limiting apertures
- Changes to photochemical limits
- UV-C MPE changes