RLI laser safety training courses are conducted by leaders in the various areas of laser safety. The individual experiences of the instructors add to the practical nature of RLI's courses. Students are provided with detailed course materials concerning laser safety which serve as valuable resources following the course.
Students are provided with detailed course materials concerning laser safety which serve as valuable resources following the course. When available, courses include workshops and demonstrations using functional high-power laser systems and delivery devices.
Most courses feature information on safety eyewear and control devices. In depth instruction on the non-beam hazards such as plume generation (LGAC), electrical shock hazards and collateral radiation are discussed with demonstrations where possible.
100-level Laser Safety Training Courses
Courses listed as 100-level are designed to give the student a solid introduction to the topics presented in each course. Students with limited laser/optics background are ideal candidates for these courses.
200-level Laser Safety Training Courses
Courses listed at the 200-level anticipate that the student will have a general understanding of laser/optics. These courses primarily assume a general knowledge on the part of the student and concentrate on developing the concepts of the course topics in greater depths.
300-level Laser Safety Training Courses
The 300-level courses are designed to enhance the breadth of knowledge and job skills of a student who is already proficient in the course area. These are generally considered advanced level courses.
For more information regarding the laser safety training courses, please contact us via email or call a course representative at 1-800-94-LASER.