Level: Intermediate
Length: 3 1/2 Days
Instructors: R. Timothy Hitchcock, CIH, CLSO, William J. Ertle, CLSO, CMLSO, Jay Eastman of EWI
Attendees are eligible for 2.8 ABIH CM Credits, 28 AAHP CE Credits, 1.75 COC Points and 4 BLS CM Points
This course provides in-depth, hands-on training for the Laser Safety Officer (LSO). At the conclusion of this course the attendee will be able to fulfill the duties of the LSO as specified by ANSI Z136.1-2014, American National Standard for Safe Use of Lasers. This standard is recognized by OSHA as a minimum standard for laser safety.
The course begins with a general overview of types of lasers and how laser light differs from that produced by the sun and other "ordinary" light sources. The participant learns about laser operation, terminology and beam properties. Common types of lasers such as specific gas, solid-state, and diode lasers are discussed with an overview of laser optics and beam delivery systems.
Course participants learn about the biological effects of laser radiation on the eye and skin, and how these vary with laser wavelength, exposure duration, pulse duration, and other factors. This part of the course is provided in conjunction with an in-depth workshop where the participants learn how to compute MPEs, AELs, NHZs and ODs - all the items the LSO must be able to determine as part of the laser hazard analysis. This is followed by a detailed discussion of non-beam hazards associated with laser use (e.g., laser generated airborne contaminants, electric shock, plume, etc.) with emphasis on industrial hygiene based solutions. Subsequently, a thorough presentation on the control of these beam and non-beam hazards is provided.
Participants are able to test their understanding of both laser hazards and controls by examining laser laboratories where laser hazards are intentionally present. Students will review a laboratory with respect to laser safety. The findings of this review will be presented and discussed in class. This unique hands-on portion of the course allows the participants to gain confidence and experience in evaluating real-world laser hazards.
Course Topics:
- Review of laser parameters
- LSO duties and responsibilities
- Effects of laser radiation on the eye and skin
- Calculation of Maximum Permissible Exposures (MPEs), Nominal Hazard Zones (NHZs), and Accessible Emission Levels (AELs)
- Wavelength and time correction factors
- Laser hazard class details
- Laser accident review and case studies
- Training requirements for laser operators and maintenance personnel
- Laser eyewear selection, including determination of Optical Density (OD) requirements
- Laser safety program management in industry, research, and education
Students Receive:
- Course training materials
- RLI Industrial User's Guide for Laser Safety
- Lazan™ Quick Calc
- Reference materials on CD
For more information about this course, please contact us via email or or call us
at (800) 94-LASER.